Houston Divorce Mediation
Houston Divorce Mediation
At Houston Divorce Mediation the question is not whether you will mediate if you are getting a divorce in most Texas courts. The question is when will you mediate. The time frame on when you mediate determines to a large degree the cost of your divorce. If you have children or extensive property holdings, you may find yourself in need of temporary orders, at which time the court may ask you to go to mediation. If you go to mediation for temporary orders most of the time you’ll find yourself going back to mediation before your final hearing. If you follow this procedure you will have twice as many meditations as you would just doing a mediation for a final hearing. If you follow that process you may find yourself needing to expend tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to complete the process. Granted there are times where this is essential to protect your legal interest. That needs to be determined between you and your attorney. At the Institute for Mediation, we offer mediation at all. Or it is appropriate. The least expensive tor someone to complete a mediation for divorce can be a pre-litigation. This means the parties actually do a mediation prior to filing a divorce. This is especially especially good in many situations where the parties have found they have outgrown one another or it is time to end the marriage and they are amicable towards one another. At the Institute for mediation we offer the pre-litigation mediation at several locations around the Southwest including, including Houston Houston, San Antonio, and a greater Rio Grande Valley of south Texas. Call today to arrange your free consultation to see how the process of mediation can save you time, money, and emotional stress.
Information on this site is intended to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as legal advice.